Wednesday, March 24, 2010

My Sister, My Hero

Over the years I have heard of folks having radiation treatment for cancer.
Sounds easy enough.
You hear, "Oh, pray for so and so, they are undergoing radiation treatment for cancer". So, I pray for them.
I pray for God's grace to cover them and give them strength and courage to get through it and that some how through the whole affair, God will become real to them.
Sounds easy enough.
Then you get the report that they are through with radiation and are doing fine. Guess my prayin' is done.
Sounds easy enough.

Well, here is the skinny on how I should be praying for people going through radiation treatment.
Certainly that God becomes real to that person. ( I pray that because one day God became real to me-another story for another day.)
That their physical strength can sustain them.
That they have the energy to cook supper or fix a sandwich.
That they have the courage to drive themselves to the treatment center daily.
That their skin doesn't get so raw that they can't even wear clothing next to it.
That their affect area will eventually 'get back to normal'. (probably won't happen though)
That they won't lose their minds before treatments and recovery are over.
That the people treating them are kind and compassionate. Some just aren't.
That the doctors know what they are doing and actually care.
That they still have the give of laughter through it all.
That in the end they survive to live another day.
That in the end, after surviving, they can still praise the Lord.

My sister, "G", had cancer, they removed it. Now she takes these terrible radiation treatments.
She still laughs.
She is my hero.


  1. She is my hero,too! Until you see it first hand you have no idea how traumatic it is.

    Since I have not gone through it myself and cannot truly understand the depth of this, I stand amazed at how she is handling it. May God grant her the cries of our prayers!

  2. Ditto...until you experience it firsthand you have no idea. Dad did ok, until it was all over with. It is like getting a blue car of a certain model, and you never notice how many of them are on the road until you buy one. That is how our lives are at times. We need to experience it first. We will be praying for your sister. May God's hands be on her and guiding the Doctors.
    Much Love

  3. You for sharing that insight! I will definitely pray differently now!
