Sunday, May 29, 2011

Homemade Marshmallows

The thought of homemade marshmallows never crossed my mind before I read Jenny's blog. Jenny lives in the Alaskan Wilderness and you can find the recipe HERE on her blog. We put them together Saturday and will probably have them this afternoon. If you decide to wait til evenin' time around may just get rained out....over and over. So hop on over to Jenny's blog, read about her life in Alaska (you can also click on The Last Frontier on my sidebar) and make some marshmallows.Here are the pictures of our marshmallow adventure.

Honestly, at this point, it tastes just like marshmallow creme in the jar. Mmmm.

We ended up having some folks over for a bit this evening and everyone liked them. Even people who didn't normally like store bought marshmallows liked them.


  1. They look great! :) I can almost smell them. I'm gonna go check out her blog.
    Marie :)

  2. I haven't made them but I am gonna check out her blog. Thanks

  3. What a great idea! I've wondered about making them. Must try that sometime.

  4. I would suggest cutting the recipe in half or have an army on hand. :)

  5. Hi Louellen! Thank you so much for posting this, along with the link to my blog. Surprisingly, I think that's my all time most popular post. As you said, even folks who don't like store-bought marshmallows like these.

    It probably is a good idea to cut the recipe in half. I don't make them often because I have to run the generator to run the mixer. :( So, if I'm going to the trouble and expense of that, I might as well make it worth it! Unfortunately, I don't think the marshmallows last any longer. We just eat twice as many. :) Plus, it's become a tradition in our family that when I make marshmallows, we MUST have a cookout or a bonfire, and conversely, when we have a cookout or just a bonfire, we MUST have marshmallows. They're fun! :)

    Thanks again for the link! Your kittens are adorable. I hope you are doing well.

    Jenny in Alaska
