I took a trip up north today to Columbia City. I was privileged to attend a spinning/weaving guild meeting. I found the place o.k. It was out in the country a bit but I had good directions.
She was spinning alpaca.
This lovely lady was plying wool.
The alpaca spun and plied and put into a lovely hank. I got to let it sit on my lap. It was so soft and pretty.
There were several different brands of spinning wheels. Kromski, Lendrum, Sickenger and Ashford. The above wheel is the Kiwi model made by Ashford.
I was lovingly corrected when I called these goats, sheep. :)
I asked a ton of questions and the ladies were all so gracious in answering them. They were very knowledgeable about all things woolly and spin-ish.
The one question that I asked that didn't get a direct answer was this..."What (used) wheel would you recommend a beginner start with?" Each person I asked said..."You must spin on the wheel as much as possible before you purchase it to find out which wheel works for you".
O.K. I appreciate their honesty. But are you thinkin' what I am thinkin?
I don't know how to spin. I want to learn to spin. I can't try out a wheel until I learn to spin. But I shouldn't buy a wheel until I try it out.
So, which came first, the chicken or the egg? Ha.
It is all great food for thought and I will think about it a lot!!!!