Tuesday, August 10, 2010

The Elusive Transparent Apple

It seems that all of my life I have heard that Transparent Apples make the best pies.
I believe I have heard that from my mother and definitely from my Aunt Rosie.
Could it be true? My mom used to make some REALLY good pies and they were not from transparent apples.
Anyway, I have never been able to find these apples at the grocery. Never!
But I DID express short-lived GLEE a couple weeks ago when I found the EVEN MORE elusive gooseberry at Meijer. Sad part was....they were $3.00 for 6 little ounces. Needless to say I didn't buy any. :(
O.K. so I called our local orchard yesterday and they said that they did in fact have said apple. After getting the oil changed in the truck I drove on over and procured 10 of them.

Upon my arrival home I anxiously called my aunt. With delight in her voice she asked if they were green or yellow. I said...GREEN!!! She said with a saddened sound "Oh, the yellows are the best".
If you let them ripened ON the tree til they turn yellow...that is when they are the best.
And here I sit with 10 green apples. :(
She must have heard the despair in my voice because she added....the green ones are o.k. too, just that I like the yellow ones best!

For cryin' out loud. I should have just bought the gooseberries!

Until Next Time!


  1. LOL!! :-D
    I personally would have gone for the gooseberries--but only because we cannot get them down where I live and because I remember eating them as a child growing up in Indiana!
    I do hope the green apples make a yummy pie!

  2. Stopping in to say hello...great post. I have never heard of transparent apples...so what are you going to do with those lovely apples? I sure am anxious to see...not much going on here in our neck of the woods...just hot, hot hot!

    Have a great day!

  3. Don't let one bad aunt - I mean apple - spoil your pie! You might like the green ones more:)

